How to Apply For Qatar Health Card Online in 2025

Apply For Qatar Health Card

Health is more important than wealth. The Qatari government provides a service named ‘’Health Card’’ to its citizens. Its holders can access free medical facilities at healthcare centres. The application process to apply for a Qatar Health Card is very smooth and easy.

We will explain in detail the application process for the Health Card in Qatar, the importance of its validity, eligibility, fee, and required documents. We will also discuss, how the residents of Qatar can get benefits from it.

Ways to Apply for the Qatar Health Card

All Public Health Care Centres (PHCC) and hospitals in Qatar provide their citizens with the facility of health cards. The health card is issued to only those who have a valid Qatari ID. We are going to discuss the application process to get the card with the following guide:

Apply In-Person

The steps involved in the application process to get a health card are as follows:

  • Visit the nearest PHCC.
  • Fill out the form.
  • Submit the documents.
  • The time for application submission is 7:30 am to 2 pm, only on weekdays.
  • The application will be verified, and you will be assigned a PHCC file number.
  • Payment will be demanded. Only debit/credit cards are accepted.
  • Sometimes the health cards are ready on the same day and sometimes on the other day.

You must know about Qatar University Health Center in detail.

Apply In Person Apply For Qatar Health Card

Required Documents to Apply For Qatar Health Card

The necessary documents for the Health Card in Qatar are as follows:


Passport or ID copy


Qatar ID (issued when you get your RP)


Residency permit (RP)


Two Passport-sized Photographs


A copy of utility bill (water, electricity or phone)


Vaccination card and birth certificate for children.

Required Documents In Detail

We are going to discuss the required documents for different people in detail:

Qatari Children:

  1. Qatar identity number on passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Passport-size photographs.
  4. Vaccination card (for first-time issues).

Qatari Adults:

  1. Passport-size photo (4 cm x 3 cm).
  2. Copies of a passport or ID.

GCC National Adult Residents:

  1. Copy of passport.
  2.  Qatar personal identity number on the passport.
  3. Passport-size photograph.

GCC National Child Residents:

  1. Birth certificate or
  2. passport of children with the Qatar identity number.
  3. One passport-size photo.
  4. Vaccination card (for the first time issued for children born in Qatar).

Adult Residents:

  1. Valid QID or passport.
  2. Residence permit.
  3. Passport-size photo. 

Children Residents:

  1. Passport.
  2. A residence permit.
  3. Passport-size photo.
  4. Vaccination card (for first-time issues).

Domestic Staff:

  1. A valid passport.
  2. A valid residence permit.
  3. A passport-size photo.
  4. An original QID of the sponsor.

For residency Proof:

  1. A copy of the utility bill or
  2. A copy of the phone bill or
  3. A copy of the water bill or
  4. A copy of the electricity bill.
Documents required to Apply For Qatar Health Card

Eligibility Criteria to Apply For Qatar Health Card

All people living in Qatar are eligible for a health card.

These people are

  • Qatari citizens.
  • GCC residents.
  • Non-GCC residents.
  • Visitors.
  • Domestic workers of Qataris.
Eligibility criteria for Qatar Health Card

Fee Required to Apply For Qatar Health Card

Qatar provides multiple insurance plans at very low prices. Visit this website and explore all the insurance plans.

Fee Required for Qatar Health Card

Office Locations & Contacts to Apply for Qatar Health Card

Al Wakrah

Al Khor

Hamad Medical Corporation

Al Rayyan

Hamad Medical Corporation


Hamad Medical Corporation

Validity of Qatar Health Card

The health card in Qatar is valid for one year.

Required Documents to Apply For Qatar Health Card

When you visit the centre, the authorities will provide you application form and you will be guided accordingly.

Processing Time

The total processing time for a Qatar health card is 24 hours. It will be issued during this period.

Final Words

The application process to apply for a health card in Qatar is very easy. Citizens can easily access all the healthcare facilities and hospitals. When users visit the Primary Health Care Center (PHCC), they have to submit the required documents and fees to get a Qatar Health Card. The card will be issued within 24 hours and its validity is one year. All residents of Qatar, either locals or outsiders, can easily get it without any problem or tension. 

Frequently Asked Questions

All residents in Qatar, including Qatari citizens, GCC residents, non-GCC residents, visitors, and domestic workers, are eligible to apply for a health card.

Required documents include a passport or ID copy, passport-size photographs, residency permit, Qatar ID, a copy of a utility bill, and for children, a vaccination card and birth certificate.

The processing time for a Qatar health card is typically 24 hours from the submission of the application.

The fee for Qatari adults and children, as well as GCC national residents, is QR50. For non-GCC adult residents and their children, the fee is QR100. Domestic staff fees depend on the profession approved by the Ministry of Interior.

Applications can be submitted in person at the nearest Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC) or hospital during the working hours of 7:30 am to 2:00 pm on weekdays.

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